Once again it is time to head on over to   Julia's blog  get the deets and to link up for the Great Wednesday Desk SNOOP!
This week poor Betsy has been left pretty much alone.  I have been trying to catch up on yard work, BUT this afternoon, when the sun was finally too hot to work in, I came indoors and worked in my art journal and that is what is on Betsy now.  I'll do a tutorial on that page at a later date.  Other than that the usual, wipes, RRD stamps, lights, pens, pencils, paint brushes Stamp pad, modeling paste, water bucket and a few extra tools; my glasses being the important tool visible.  Short and sweet this week, it's really late Tuesday night here and I am pooped, so it is off to dream land for me so I can get an early start on the snooping over coffee in the morning.  Oh ya, I forgot to take down the WOYWW letters, but it rolled around again!! LOL just might leave them there for the color factor.

Inky Hugs
Krisha who is yawning, and blinking her eyes to finish this possssssZZZZZZZZZZZZZ


okienurse said…
great looking work space today! Love the Artjournal page you are working on. I could use a tutorial as I am having the slumps right now due to one reason and another so any motivation would help! Hope you have a great week and thanks for sharing! Vickie #41
Sunshine Girl said…
Lovely busy desk there - night night. Thanks for sharing. Sunshine Girl 31.
Helen said…
Fun looking and busy desk... enjoy! Helen 3
Neil said…
Good morning, just popping in to say Hi.
Loving your world this morning; love the colourful WOYWW

Hope you have a fun week.
Neil # 22
Julia Dunnit said…
YArd work - good for you Krisha, it's gotta be done huh! LOVe what I can see of your journal page, more bright and cheerful...it must be the season!
i like the woyww hanging in the background! happy woyww jenx 90
i like the woyww hanging in the background! happy woyww jenx 90
ria gall said…
Hi Krisha
your desk is looking good this week some great crafting stuff on show. I look forward to seeing the finished page in more detail
Happy WOYWW #204 and enjoy the rest of your week
Ria #44
Anonymous said…
I love the WOYWW letter too! And the page is looking good!

Happy WOYWW!
MA (2)
DebC55 said…
What an amazing (and tidy) workspace! I'd love to step in and have a look at your on-going projects! Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my tiny workspace and doodling projects! Have a blessed day!
Debbie aka DayLee Doodler
Unknown said…
Lovely journal page.
Karen #52
The journal page is looking good so far. Thanks for visiting the bears already today.
Poor Betsy she must be lonely! Love that art journal! Have a great week MMx #56
Julie Lee said…
Hi Krisha - love Betsy. She's colourful and creative. Try not to let her get too lonely. Thanks for visiting and the advice about turning off Word verification! I just thought I only had a few comments because nobody liked me!!!
toni said…
looks like a lovely spot of journalling there Krisha, love the WOYWW letters also x
Carole said…
Yes leave the brilliant neon letters...it's like a welcome mat. Look forward to the tutorial on your art journal. Happy WOYWW!
Rossella said…
Hi Krisha,
Looking forward to seeing more on the journal,
Rosie x
Anonymous said…
Fun and busy desk. Happy Wednesday! I like how you posted the WOYWW letters there.
Glad you left the WOYWW up so I could see it!! We've been busy outside as well during the fine spell we have been having - I always feel guilty when I sneak off to my desk for a few minutes! Thanks for popping by to see me today, Cindy
Alison Scott said…
Hope you get a good nights sleep.
Betsy is looking good this week.
Thanks for your visit, Ellie and her GG (Great Grandmother) had a lovely day at the gallery and the park it sits in, as did I.
Deb said…
love your workspace! must be nice to give up yard work for the heat, been snowing here today, supposed to be warmer again soon though, fingers crossed!
Pallavi said…
LOVE the woyww sign! I really like your organization with the stamps and other items! Happy woyww
Rhonda Halushka said…
Yes leave the letters! They are so colorful! Love your workspace! Thanks for stopping by my blog the other day! Nice to see yours again!
April said…
Cute birdies on your journal page. Thank you for stopping by my blog earlier. April #122
Darnell said…
Betsy is always a delightful sight, Krisha! I think the WOYWW letters are really bright and cheerful! I might do the same thing - it makes me smile to look at them!!

Have a wonderful week! Darnell #60
Neet said…
I think you should leave those letters there - they look so good. Is that your journal underneath the glasses?
Thanks for visiting me earlier - sorry I am so late - been away. Hugs, Neet xx