So it's Tuesday night here is California, but it's Wednesday for the hostess Julia Dunnit so it is time for some blog jumping.  What is this all about? Click the link and get the details, then play along with the rest of Blogland
What is WOYWW?

Here is Betsy tonight, just as I left her to go take a shower and get my jammies on.  I have been playing around off and on all day and all I accomplished is one card!! LOL So what are ya looking at?? My nasty, inky rag, a pretty container with a jar of pens and pencils, my new Stampendous stamp, stamps with sentiments, black in pad, a card for my son's birthday (in August), a tag I'm still puttering about with, A New Hero Arts stamp in the back, water pot in front of that, pot with glue bottles up side down, scissors, glasses, clip, paper towels and the standard stuff around the edges.  Behind the right light there are a couple of DT pieces I did have to push out of view, they will be coming up later.

Last Friday I did some pre-birthday shopping and brought home a haul of stash.  Michael's had their wood mounted stamps on sale for 50%, then I went to Beverly's Fabrics and they had their stencils for 30% off, Jo Ann's had dies at 40% off, so picked up the clock die you see on the card.  Then I went across the street to the mall and picked up my FREE pearl earrings, then to JCP and got a top that was on sale for $11.95, BUT I had a $10.00 off purchase so with tax and an 80 cent donation cost me $3.00!! Also went to Macy's and picked up a new bottle of perfume and lotion, but DH paid for those for Mother's Day.

Okay enough  of the bla, bla, bla and onto to blog hopping!!
Leave a comment and I will definately get back to you, if I was there first.....LOL
Inky Hugs


Neet said…
So envious of you shopping, what fabulous bargains and all in one day. You deserve it all though.
Love the clock on the card.
Take care, Hugs, Neet 40 xx
Minxy said…
Oh how I envy all your sales and coupons, were lucky if we get 10% off lol Glad you found some bargains, the clock card looks really cool.

Hugz Minxy #19
Alexa said…
Your shopping sound like way more fun that ours! We have hardly any shops and definitely no coupons so its just all on-line and the WAITING for it to arrive - boring! Love your desk - super organised shelving in the background and I love the little WOYWW banner! x
Anonymous said…
Love that Paris stamp and the leaf bowl with the flowers on it...WOW! Love that.
Happy Wednesday! SueC#109
Hi Krisha, thanks for stopping by earlier. Lovely desk - especially love your Paris stamp and even more love that clock die. Happy WOYWW have a lovely day ... Gill x #117
Robyn said…
Thanks for visiting my place and welcoming me to yours.
I love your WOYWW sign!
I love a busy desk.
Robyn 106
Karen said…
Oh what a fab shopping day you had there!!! SO many goodies to play with and I'll be checking to see what is made with the goodies. Happy WOYWW! Karen 127 x
MiniOwner said…
Me too loving that WOYWW sign. A suoer desk with so muhc to see and wow! to all that shopping bargain. Happy Wednesday. :o)
Sue x (MiniOwner@133)

Ooh you had a lovely shopping spree and some super bargains :)
Lovely MOM Day presents too x
Thanks for visiting earlier
Have a Beautiful week Heather # 135
Gorgeous goings on on Betsy this week - and all that retail therapy! Love your tag - the colours are fab. Thanks for your visit today. MMx #114
Becky said…
what a great desk! I love your WOYWW letters, so fun! You've fourteen some fantastic deals the last few days!

The card you mentioned, on my desk, was actual made by friend Tracy. Here's a link to her blog: http://tracystreasures-tracy.blogspot.com/?m=1
Unknown said…
Hi Krisha thanks for popping by. Hope you find that scratch off card! How fab to have such a shopping spree and get so many bargains! Love the clock stencil and the lovely flowery tag. We have a bit of colour creeping into the garden now. The blue bells are out. WOYWW Hugs to you from Helen 88
Unknown said…
What great bargains you got !! I love your desk, full of lovely arty gorgeousness. Thanks for your visit and Happy Woyww Liz@130
Julie Lee said…
Hi Krisha, hope you are fully recovered from last week's fall! Wow - I've heard of Macy's but I thought it was a very expensive store. Betsy looks in fine form with lots and lots of interesting bits and pieces spread out. I'm intrigued by the up-coming DT pieces and that tag looks really full of colour and vibrancy. Thanks for sharing. xxx #58 Julie Ann.
Angie said…
Ugh, shopping no thanks, I'd rather stay home and create away. Too many people out there that are cranky lol! Love the messy desk, so much going on. Good for you on the new goodies! Thanks for coming by!
Angie #133
ria gall said…
Hi Krisha
wow I have enjoyed poking around your desk today lots of lovely crafting stash include all your new buys.
Have a great WOYWW today and a fabby week
Ria #21
Almo said…
Hi Krisha, oh I do love a good bargain or two and it sound like you definitly found more than just 2. I love the Paris stamp, and of course the clock die. How organised are you birthday cards for August ready in May. Thank you for taking the time to visit earlier. Hugs Mo x #44
We have so many craft sessions where we sit for ages and produce little, we call them our paper shuffling sessions!!!

Thanks for visiting the bears already this week.
Terry said…
I see Tim's clock and I know there will be something fabulous blogged shortly. Wish my desk was that neat looking!
Monica said…
Don't you love those JCP $10 off coupons. I too spent yesterday morning trying to come up with a graduation tag, prefer tags to cards. It was one of those days when nothing would work. So have crafty weekend.
Monica # 65
fairy thoughts said…
Wow you have been busy.... blog shopping not blog hopping. Sounds like you had some fab bargains. lots of goodies on your desk too. the clock looks interesting
thanks for sharing
janet #29
Elizabeth said…
Hi Krisha, my, but you've been a busy shopper and I think you must have saved a lot of dollars - a top for 3$ is unheard of here in Scotland! Betsy is looking as busy as ever - apologies for making her blush :)) Love the Paris stamp and your son's birthday card is great ... both my children have their birthday in August too. Hope you have a great week. Elizabeth x #36

PS: didn't get my vitamin D - the sun came out but it was still too cold :(
BJ said…
Sounds like great shopping was had. Love the flowery tag all bright and cheery. Thanks for popping by today BJ#1
Nikki said…
What a fun filled desk and it's so sweet the WOYWW hanging up at the back Have a fabby day hugs Nikki #2
Katie said…
Fabulous desk! I love how you have WOYWW displayed!!

Katie (122)
Kelly said…
Lovely new toys, Krisha! And shopping! I discovered last month I don't mind shopping as much as I thought. I'm ready to go again. LOL Great crafty buys you found! I saw Michaels had great coupons for this week and wouldn't you know it we have to go into the city. Darn the luck! :-D Creative Blessings! Kelly #124
Anna said…
What a fun little card on your desk. I keep looking at that die..but I haven't broken down and gotten it yet.
Love your little WOYWW banner! ...and your Paris stamp. I better not let my daughter see that otherwise she will be begging me to go find one for her. The colors purple and Lavendar and anything Paris is her theme for her bedroom.
Anna Leisa #155
Sandy said…
Wow you got some awesome bargains imagine getting a top for $3 woot.. Love the clock card on your desk. Men are quite hard to make a card for I find anyway.
Sandy :) #73
Wow, Krisha, I miss all the GOOD Michael's sales. Of course, I'm not much of a stamper, but STILL. 50% off is a steal.

Sounds like you made out in lots of stores, too. Happy WOYWW from # 6. Can you believe it's still Wednesday? At least in my CDT time zone (grin).
Darnell said…
Holy cow, girl! Too bad you don't live in the Northern half of California, because wowza, do you ever know how to shop! I want to go with you and find all these fabulous deals! What a Happy Mother's Day you had, and best wishes for a Happy Birthday to come. It has already started out with a bang!!

Thanks for coming to see me earlier today! Darnell #37
Caro said…
Gorgeous desk and I love the WOYWW sign! I love the fact that you have had such a fantastic success with sales and bargains. Thanks for sharing. Happy belated WOYWW. Caro x (#61)
Rossella said…
Hi Krasha,
Haven't you had lots of goodies and bargains this week?
That clock die looks great,
Rosie x
susibee said…
Sounds like a great shopping spree!

Love the banner WOYWW:)

Thanks for stopping by earlier, enjoy the rest of the week. Susi #137
sandra de said…
Super stamps and at a bargin price ... just perfect. I like you woyww banner, lovely and bright for the occasion. thanks for stopping by.
Sandra @ 94
Anonymous said…
What a great tag! I love the look of that Hero Arts stamp and the colors are so vibrant. Glad you had such a fun shopping trip. :) Happiest of WOYWWs to you and thanks for visiting. ~ Laura #154
Lisa Richards said…
Lots of stamping fun going on! I love the flowery ceramic glue bottle pot! :)
Have a great WOYWW and thanks for visiting.
Lisa #131
Carole said…
Birthdays and Mother's day are the perfect reason to shop. With coupons and discounts a bonus incentive to keep on shopping. Be well Carole
JoelMcBride said…
I, too, love that tag - would like to see a closeup! Thanks for visiting me, too. As I replied to your comments on your resistance in using a Gelli-Arts plate: 'Resistance is futile!'.

Joel, aka Barf Snoodlefart, #149
What a lovely shopping trip you had - lucky you with the money off bargains! Your desk looks greater! Hope you are recovering from your fall and thanks for your visit! Chris 145
Nan G said…
My kind of shopper! Great looking card too. Thanks for the earlier visit. Happy WOYWW. Nan G #17
April said…
You've made a birthday card for August? Wow - I am so impressed. I always seem to be doing mine the night before on a good day. The morning of in a normal situation. LOL Loving your desk and your bargains. :-) April #147
P.S. thanks for stopping by my place earlier.
Hi Krisha - well love that colck die and here cos I asked Elizabeth what or who was Betsy :D

.. and now I know.. love the other new things too!

.. dro-ool! Happy WOYWW Shaz in Oz.x #45
Zue said…
Your shopping trip sounds amazing. Next time I wil come with you:)
lisa said…
Well done on all that shopping!! Love the clock die on your desk and the Spring In Paris stamp is one of my favourites!!
Thanks for stopping by already.
Hugs Lisax #136
Bobby said…
You were "here" first so you don't have to come back. lol I had a JCP coupon, too, but it was off a $25 purchase. You got a better deal. I love your WOYWW banner to welcome us. See you next week.
Daniella said…
So sorry I am late!
Your desk has such wonderful organization! And you made out like a bandit with your shopping!! Isn't it awesome to go out and find all the things you love are on sale? It makes it seem meant to be!!
Cazzy said…
Hi Kirsta, thanks for visiting and happy WOYWW to you - love the banner!
Your desk looks very tidy now, and as for the dies, I just bought a heap in a sale too and it isn't my birthday until July!

Cazzy x
Morti said…
Nice busy desk - we love inky rags!!!

Thanks for stopping by this week - sorry I'm a bit late getting round...
Spyder said…
Thank you for calling in Krisha and now I can add a link to your lovely blog!
I know what you mean, all day fiddling with bits and pieces and all I get is loads of mess and one card too-, mind you, I did to a DT make but forgot it should've had paint on it somewhere!! Hope you have a lovely WOYWW week (A bit late!)

Ohhh Snap said…
Lovely workspace! I especially love that tag, those flowers are so cheerful. Thanks for visiting! #116