WOYWW 233 Stacking canvas

WOW! What a mess huh?
Well IT IS time for WOYWW with our hostess Queen of WOYWW: Ms. Julia
So what is on ole Betsy this week, besides the canvas in progress?  Oh just lots of junk stuff, found objects, bits of lace and trim, inkpad, baby wipes (I did get up and close the lid), paint, pearl pigments, pink rhinestones, ribbon, couple different adhesives  and a couple pairs of scissors.
If you were by here last week you'll know how I was bragging about having space, well it fills up quickly! PLUS there is a pile of stencils to the left and a pile of papers to the right!

 I was thinking I have a weeks cushion before the big trip, but NO it's NEXT WEEK!  YIKES! There go all my good intentions and my "to do" list has just increased double fold.  So I have been really pushing to get this stack of canvases prepared.  It is a birthday present for my  GD Danica's 3rd birthday. It will be the weekend after we get back. I know she is going to get a lot of toys (and yes Grandma bought her a few too  LOL)  Her Mom has been wanting one of these stacked canvases for Dani's room since I did the last one for little brother.  Dani was a princess for Halloween, and really into the princesses now.  This is a picture my DIL posted on Facebook and I down loaded it to my files. (the ONLY way I get good pictures of the little ones so far away.  YES I AM a very sneaky grandma! and proud of it! LOL) My DIL thinks SHE is going to get this for Christmas...hahaha!

I have glued a few more thing on since I took this picture ( about 30 minutes ago)  I place things where I think I want them, walk away, and then return and edit.  It is the only way I can keep from just piling things on....LOL

Well, Julia like us to keep this short and I have over done it as usual.  Before I sign off I want to wish every WOYWWer a very HAPYY THANKSGIVING!  I won't be here next week, and the following week I'll be getting ready to go to San Diego for the B-day party.  If time permits I'll drop by and say hi that week.
Inky Hugs


Create With Joy said…
Happy THanksgiving to you! I hope you have a safe trip to San Diego! I love your desk and beautiful layout.

Create With Joy - #2
Helen Campbell said…
Oh, I haven't seen stacked canvases before. I really like it.
Have a safe trip and a Happy Thanksgiving! Helen #7
Unknown said…
Lol Krisha I always have good intentions of keeping my post short...but I seem to fail every time!
LOVE LOVE LOVE your stacked canvas of your GD!! Yes our art/craft rooms are never big enough are they...it must be due to the things we keep on buying hehehe. Happy WOYWW!!
Janene #10
Christine said…
Your grand daughter will love that canvas - just sooo beautiful.
Safe journeying over the next two weeks - have fun.
Bishopsmate #26
Helen said…
Gorgeous - and a great idea - she will love it! Happy WOYWW Helen, 3
Julie Lee said…
Gorgeous canvas! It's nice to stop by and see what you've been up to. Have a lovely Thanksgiving, Krisha! Your GD looks such a beautiful little princess! Julie Ann #29
Neil said…
Good morning.
Your canvas is looking great and I'm sure it will be treasured!
Hope you have a good week too.
Julia Dunnit said…
Oh Krisha, you are such a cool sneaky Grandma! LOVE the canvas, but sadly, I love how Betsy looks even more..it's the way of the creator..specially with the method you (and I) use..place, contemplate, stick or change...you need everything out to choose what to place! As for the week's cushion - oh I'm so with you!!
The canvas is beautiful and will be treasured. Have a good trip. Peg #46
VonnyK said…
I love the canvas and such a clever way to get pictures. Have a great trip.
Von #24
Glenda said…
How beautiful is this! I love all the points of interest!
Glenda #52
Lunch Lady Jan said…
I think they are going to LOVE that canvas, so be as sneaky as you like!! LOL And Betsy is looking magnificent this week...keep up the good work!
HUgs, LLJ 41 xx
Carole said…
Oh so darling...jeweled and sparkling delightfully precious gift and GD.
Your desk look like it's an explosion of beauty and creation.
Happy Trails Krisha
Be well Carole #67
Darla said…
You are creating a heirloom treasure for your Granddaughter. Hope to see the finished product before you wrap it up.

Darla said…
You are creating a heirloom treasure for your Granddaughter. Hope to see the finished product before you wrap it up.

The canvas is lovely, what a wonderful present it'll make.

Anonymous said…
A beautiful project like that is bound to have made a mess Krisha so I think you have a very good excuse. Your DIL is going to be very surprised!

Brenda 63
Neet said…
Never seen a stacked canvas before. It looks lovely.
Have a great time next week and catch up when the celebrations are over.
Hugs, Neet 8 xx
Monica said…
A gift to treasure, daughter and DGD will always love your gorgeous creation more and more over the years,
Yes time appears to be on the fast track and passing me by. I am sure you have everything well organized and ready for the holidays

no time this week to participate,
Angie said…
That is lovely and your desk looks like a burst of Spring sunshine and warmth!
Angie #74
Nan G said…
Wow that's a lot a pink! Love the idea of stacking canvases! Happy Thanksgiving! Thanks for the earlier visit! WOYWW hugs! Nan G #22
shazsilverwolf said…
Hi Krisha, what a fab busy desk. Love the canvas- I'm keeping that in my for my Granddaughter next year.Have a great Thanksgiving, and Birthday party,
Robin said…
Krisha, Krisha, Krisha! Your grandaughter is going to treasure this for the rest of her life! Beautiful! Oh, I got lost on your T and a hoT laTTe blog....HA!

Thank you for the visit! Robin #76
April said…
What a beautiful gift. I am sure Danica will cherish it for years and years to come. :-) Have a safe trip.
April #17
glitterandglue said…
Beautiful canvas, Krisha. I'm sure the princess will love it. Have a great trip.
Margaret #20
mamapez5 said…
I wasn't sure what you meant by a stacked canvas but this looks beautiful. You do have a very busy desk, but I guess you need a lot of stash out for that kind of project. Enjoy your visiting. Kate x #84
Claire Grantham said…
Thanks for swinging by earlier. Have a great Thanksgiving too...Love the canvas. Clairex #25
trisha too said…
Krisha, that is a really pretty creation, and what a great idea. Yep, she's a gonna love it!

Thank you for your visit!

#75 this week
BJ said…
Gorgeous canvas - thanks for popping by BJ#51
Monique said…
Lovely canvas with a very sweet princess =)
ThanX for the visit earlier. Happy late WOYWW and I wish you a wonderful week.
xx Monique #46
Ali H said…
Hope you have a safe trip ! Love the canvas ! Thanks for calling by earlier Ali #28
Cazzy said…
Hi Krisha, thanks for visiting, I'm still working on the organiser slowly, and it is stopping me doing other stuff I should do!
Your canvas is so pretty and so is your grandaughter! I am sure she will love it!
Have a great trip, and Happy Thanksgiving to you, we don't have that here!
Cazzy x
505whimsygirl said…
Hi Krisha,

I haven't heard of stacking canvases before. I bet your gift is going to be a HUGE hit! It's so pretty and perfect for a little girl's room and a great memento when she's older.

Happy belated WOYWW
Peace, Kay (6)