MIA---------no more

Yes I have been MIA with the worst winter/spring cold I've had in ages. It has been 3 weeks and I am just now starting to pick up my stamps and play a little. Allergies have been horrible this year and triggered the head and chest cold, but now the almond blossoms have fallen and things are getting better. Over at: http://cheerfulstamppad.blogspot.com/ Vicki is having a Be a Sport challenge. Dude Time Doodles is the sponsor and Boni was nice enough to send me "Leif Blower" to use in this challenge. Isn't he just great. So, get out YOUR sport stamps, or what you think SHOULD be a sport and join in the fun and a chance to win!! I colored Leif with pencils and double mounted him on dark green cs and some hand made paper I had laying around here. Thanks for stopping by and don't forget to join the challenge!