T Stands for Tuesday with the T-gang

Joining Altered Book Love and the T-gang this week, as many prayers are being said for France and the fight against terrorism. This photo collage is one that I saw on Facebook and it brought tears to my eyes. Now it is time to share my T-time drink. I saw something on Pinterest (oh surprise there!!) and it involves Epsom Salt and I knew there was some around here.....somewhere. I finally found it, under the bathroom sink.......way in the back. Now this box of ES has been around here for long time, and I do mean a LONG time, so long it had become a brick of salt......LOL!!! Well, I need it to be back in granular condition, so I beat on the box, with a metal ladle, until it was in large chunks. Then I put the large chunks into a zip lock bag and beat it some more. Now that's more exercise than I've had in a week.....and there were still pieces a little too large hummmmmmm......