T Stands for The Last T-day this Year

What a wonderful Christmas we had, even took pictures!!! AND we will do it all over again this coming weekend when our youngest and his family are here. But today DH's cousin and hubby, from up in the San Francisco Bay area, is dropping by. I've been dashing around trying to remove some of the Christmas Eve clutter......do all the dishes, sweep and etc., etc. So, I had not gotten any drink related post ready, and no time to down load photos now :o BUT, I am having my last cup of coffee for the day! I really did not want to miss posting for the last Tuesday of 2017..........very hard to believe a year has dashed by already! Hope everybody had a very festive holiday and the weather is behaving in your area. WE have a predicted high of 65' (F), but have had a few days that didn't come close to being this warm. Well, I hear car doors closing, so I better close and get linked up with the T-gang . I'll be around sometime this wee...