Just for Kicks..

As my last few post have shown I have been busting butt to get some scrapbooking done. I have accomplished quite a few pages.........Grandma's take a lot of pictures of their Grandbabies!! But I did have to take a break ( all my pages were starting to look the same :O ) So I cleared off my stamping area ( remember WOWW photo ?) Geeesh, I found my stylist for my phone (been looking for that for three days ), my pencil sharpener and 3 pairs of scissors! Then I checked my e-mail and....... Yep, it is digi image time from http://hambochallenges.blogspot.com/ and this week is a fun one to play with. The challenge "twist" is you also have to have something torn on it. Knowing that I have tons of oriental stash I pulled out a couple of pieces and tore around the edges, I haven't even seen these scraps in years!! LOL So glad I don't throw away or give away any unused stuff away!! ( Tis a wonder I can even walk into this roo...