Before I get on with this T-Day post, I want to apologize to anybody that got malware from visiting my blog. Both the lap top and the main PC have been into the shop, cleaned and new spy ware put on both. My lap top had NO malware, but had it gone through and updated anyway. Sine DH likes to shop on line, with the main PC I will no longer be posting from it, but from my lap top, where I have some control over. Now on to T-day!! I just love this photo, it just says so much about blogging and about the great group of people that always refer to as the "T-gang" over at Altered Book Lover and for all the other blogs I follow, groups I'm in and for all the people that follow my blog. So what a week it has been since last we met. I do want to once again apologize, but for NOT getting back to all of you who left me a comment last week. We didn't get home from San Diego until late Monday night, Tuesday I had multiple erra...