Earthquakes....Coffee....Water...Wine and Art for T-day

Hello, Hello again..........Welcome to an other T-day post, a time for linking up with Altered Book Lover to be ever so nosey as to what other fellow bloggers are drinking. As is every morning my cup has coffee in if you please. You might want to get a "full" drink before continuing this's a LONG I will apologize in advance....but you have been warned!! I must say, you just missed it last Tuesday! What???? Here in the San Joaquin Valley we felt the earth mover under our feet........Thank you Carole King!! "A 4.8-magnitude earthquake shook the Wasco area of Kern County Tuesday, according to the U.S. Geological Survey. The temblor hit 22 miles outside of Bakersfield at 4:10 p.m." Well, Wasco may have gotten the headlines because it happened in their city limits, but it was located about 6 miles west from MY house! Hadn't felt one in quite a while, so the first jerk and boom got my ...