Inspire Your Heart with Art Day

Did you know today is Inspire Your Heart with Art Day?? I really didn't until Danie May, over at Unruly Paper Arts invited me to link up and play along. So I did a little "net" research and was pleasantly surprised at how much there is about it, and yet how much there is not about it. It is basically a day to "observe and or participate in any kind of art form that inspires your heat." Simple huh? So how do you do this? Go to an art museum, listen to music, read a book (yep! writing is an art form) watch a ballet (it's Dirty Dancing for me ..LOL) or do as I did, grab some markers and just create......... I know this is very calm, and quite restricted, compared to what I usually do, but I have had a horrible head cold and cough all week. So bending over "Betsy" (my desk's name) made my head scream!! So I grabbed my Pitt Pens and sat on the sofa. With my feet on the sofa and my knees bent I coul...