Skinned Knees

KNOWLEDGE and/or HURT  This is the prompt for the 2 week challenge over at the Craft Barn Blog.  There is till this next week to get linked up.

Quite obvious which word I chose....... but why?  Well, GDs tend to get their knees skinned for one reason or an other, and even if it is a very "little" ouch, it requires a band aide.  Of course having raise their fathers, I KNOW all about the Band Aide box......LOL

Colors are Gelatos, doodles are water color pencil, words are black marker, and the stamp is from DOTS from a very long time ago.  The frame is, of course Washi tape (or washing as Hannah calls it)

Hope your having a great Sunday.  We are off, in a short bit, to attend one of the GDs birthday party.  Megan turns 4 on Wednesday, but party is today.  I'm very excited for this will be a weekend I have ALL my grandkids together, so expect pictures.......LOL

Inky Hugs


thassos456 said…
Great take on the word hurt. :)
Netty said…
Great page Krisha, it made me smile. Annette x
Darnell said…
This couldn't be any cuter, Krisha!! Or more charming as we all immediately remember bandaiding skinned knees! I'm so delighted for you to have all your GDs together!! Enjoy!! Hugs, Darnell
TwinkleToes2day said…
Visiting from The Craft Barn - Oucheey! Excellent depiction Krisha! I too know about the band aid box having raised three boys and a girl. Arent grand kids easier?! Lol. Enjoy the wee ones party. What fun! :D
I adore your drawings. You draw SO well. And those band aids are the BEST. Bet the grandees want some that look like that.

Hope you have fun at the party. And yes, PICTURES, PLEASE!!
Scrapmate said…
A fab depiction of a very personal quote. You have great drawing skills.
Darla said…
Every little "ouch" deserves a band aide. Great response to the challenge.

Silvia(Barnie) said…
A fabulous idea and a great page.
Unknown said…
Very. I like it.
I immediately saw the knees of my 4 year old son, he too has legs full of blue marks and when he falls he needs a band aide and then magically everything is better.
Anonymous said…
Love it. It really made me smile :) x
Sylvia said…
Great page, love those knees.

Sylv xx