T stands for Tuesday

No tea cups of coffee mugs to show this week.  Just my protein shake in this really cool shaker bottle I bought while in San Diego.  There is a cone shape insert, you can just see it, that helps to mix the powder and liquid.  It also came with a fillable cone, you freeze then drop into the cone with the holes to help keep your drink cold. 

This drink is a vanilla protein and an orange diet soda mix, make it taste like an orange 50/50 ice cream bar...........do they still sell those??  I am trying to behave a little better and knock off some of my bad fatty habits, and hopefully a few inches too.  I'm finally back to going to the gym, after a really tough case of bronchitis.  Of course it helps if you take the shake with you, not so much to the gym, but it is refreshing after a good workout and a bottle of water.  The weather is so nice right now, I just roll down the car windows, puts some good tunes on, drink my shake and get happy........all the way home!! LOL

So what's in your cup this week?  Don't understand this post?  Then click HERE to get to Elizabeth's blog and find out about our weekly T (ea) Party.

Keeping it short this week, I have some chicken baking in the oven, need to get closer to the timer so I can hear it.......LOL

Inky Hugs


Glorious weather calls for orange cream. Even if it is a protein shake. Probably far better for you, too. Since I hate watered down drinks that cone sounds like a great idea.

Thanks for sharing your shake with us this Tuesday T.
BTW, stop by for my bEARTHday bash, where I finally open your gift.
Julia Dunnit said…
Oh I have a similar thing for mixing powders and fluids - from tupperware about 100 years ago. It doesn't have a cone, but a sort of windmill in the lid..very clever. Especially when I actually dig it out and use it!!
I quite like the sound of orange soda and vanilla..I could probably drink that...although technically, it shouldnt work really..milky and citrussy..
dawn said…
Hello and Happy T Day! Your drink sounds yummy, like a treat but good for you, YAY!! We have had good weather days too. Have a good day and thanks for sharing.

I will be linking up a little later.
Linda Kunsman said…
that protein drink sounds so good!! And so much healthier than the creamsicle shake I treat myself to once a year at Arby's. I wonder too if they still make those ice cream bars? Have a great T day!
Sounds like a refreshing drink anytime! The weather is finally nicer here, too!
sounds like the dreamsicles from my childhood. :) i think the cone insert to keep the drink cold is brilliant!
Darla said…
Looks like a nifty drink container, always good to have one that is reusable. I remember those ice cream bars from way back when. Were they Dreamcicles?

Halle said…
I've never seen a container like that with an ice thing to keep your drink cool. Mine has a whisk shaped ball in it to mix the powder. Good for you changing habits. I'm trying too...I've walked 2 days in a row now. Two is better than none. :)
Dianne said…
Sounds like a very refreshing drink! Great job on getting more exercise...that bronchitis stuff really takes it out of you, so glad you're better! happy T day!
Rita said…
Yum! Creamsicles!
Glad you are feeling better and the weather is warming up.
Happy T-Day and Happy Earth Day! :)
creatorme said…
Happy T-Day!
Glad you are over that bronchitis. It can be scary!
Hope your nifty cup will help you keep up with the good habits. I fall off the wagon sooo easily. I have no self control when it comes to sweets!
Hettie said…
Ahh! I just learnt that Julia and I have something else in common - the same mixing bottle from Tupperware!! Are they still in business? Not heard anyone having a party for years!
Good for you to get healthy!!
I saw your next post. I am a little worried about the green QTip!!! I would be very worried if there was green stuff coming out of my ears!! LOL!