Journal 52 week 30

Hi all you happy bloggers, hope your having a great day. It is still early here in SOCAL and it is already warming up, gonna be a HOT one today. It is 8:29 AM here and the temp matches at 82' F or 28 C and going to top out at 106 F or 41C and the forecast is the same though out the weekend. So now you've been updated on the weather how about some positive words (and NOT about the weather...LOL) Positive Words is the prompt for the Journal 52 week 30 What's not to like about positive words, after all the are POISTIVE. So I turned on some music and went "old school" with my pens and markers and even a few stamps. I enjoyed just fussing around with different types of lettering.........and yes, I still need a LOT of practice, but I had fun anyway. What are your positive words? There is one I didn't get onto this page and that is WELCOME! And I want to Welcome Sid , a new follower to my somewhat "dingy" blog. Sid "I'm a c...