What's On Your Work-desk Wednesday. , is here again and for all you deskers it means time for some good snooping. Not my normal photo format for my blog, these were taken with my cell phone. I am pleasantly surprised at the quality it has. This wasn't a test run, BOTH batteries for my camera were deader than dead........oooops! LOL I had to back away for this first photo of Betsy so you could really see the pile up around the desk. This is how I left it this morning, planning on coming back and getting a jump on some seasonal cards, then I picked up a book I had started last night and weeeelllllllll........it was a good book. So here is what is ON Betsy, like I said I had planned on coming back and working.......... I had sort of cleaned off the desk before I got the binder down, so there really isn't much to see from this angle. Oh look there are Hannah's flip flops on the floor to the left and a bag of ...